Covid-19 Statement

Dear valued customer, 

In order for us to continue providing our installation service we need to prevent as much contact as possible due to the Covid-19 virus. 

Our mobile engineer will require the following:

  1. Vehicle must be provided in an outside space prior to arrival. This must be a location where the vehicle can be safely worked on. 
  2. Our engineer will call / text when outside and the key must be left inside or next to the vehicle (in a plastic bag if raining)
  3. Once the engineer has completed his installation the vehicle will be locked & the key will he left in the original place. Our engineer will call / text the customer / key holder to explain the operation of the system and next steps required
  4. No signature will be required 

It is unfortunate that we have to put these steps in place but with the severity of the situation we have a duty of care for customers and our engineers. It allows us to continue the service without major disruption. 

If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to call us on: 0800-756-5100 or email: